

Visit DigitalFreethought Radio Hour Podcast Page
The Scathing Atheist"A 1/2 hour crammed with humorous irrereverrence.
Point of Inqury (iTunes) - Center for Inquiry’s radio show and podcast
Skeptics Guide to the Universe (rss) - The New England Skeptical Society
The Amazing Show (rss) (itunes) - starring James Randi
(rss) - SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) podcast
Scientific American (rss) - The Scientific American magazine's podcast
American Freethought Podcast (rss)
Humanist Network News (rss)
The Reason Driven Podcast (rss) (itunes)
The Non Prophets (rss)
The Atheist Experience (rss) Be sure to click on the dropdown box for previous year's shows.
Freethought Radio (rss) - Freedom From Religion Foundation's podcast
Skepticality (rss) - Skeptical discussion, critical thinking, and assorted fun
Truth-Driven Thinking (rss)
Evolution 101 (rss) - A short weekly show on the topic of evolution
Nature Podcast (rss)
Equal Time for Freethought (rss) - New Jersey Humanist Network's podcast
The Skeptic Tank (rss)
LogicallyCritical (itunes) (rss)
QuackCast (rss) - Critical look on alternative medicine
Reasonable Doubts (rss)
Secular Nation (rss)
Skeptoid (rss)

The above list was "lifted" from Freethought Media Go there for even more Excellent Freethought Resources!

Godless Radio Season 1 (January 2009)