

Be sure to read the The Wedge Document developed by the Discovery Institute to help replace Evolution with Creationism in public schools Also, check out the "The Wedge at Work" by Barbara Forrest, Ph.D. who was instrumental to the Dover, PA case. Read the Dover Decision here
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"To rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world, is just as base as to use force." Hypatia (c. 370-415 CE)
This site is dedicated to Hypatia , a true martyr for knowledge. She was a mathematician, scientist, philosopher, and the Head Librarian of the Great Library of Alexandria.
She was flayed and killed by Christians, and the great library was burned. Cyril, the leader of the Christians, was later made a saint by the Catholic Church.
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Hear Julia Sweeney (Saturday Night Live's Pat) personal deconversion story here: juliasweeney.mp3 (27MB, 30-Min.)
Austin Atheists talk about Authoritarianism (Audio 35min-30mb)